Friday 19 September 2008

Let Me Be Here Forever

The past few weeks have been difficult for me... my situation has been awkward, uncomfortable and somewhat depressing to see... sometimes all at once they devour me....

It happens every time I step into my Form 5 classes... it happens when I see their smiling faces...
it happens when they leave me staring at empty spaces...

The next few weeks will be our last together... Tuesday and Friday nights will change forever... our classroom ties unwillingly I'll have to sever...

It's happened before, this dreaded time of year... which I cautiously approach with fear... Living day to day, silently fighting tears that appear...

But what can I do but accept this fate? This feeling of joy I find no way to replicate... a feeling that leaves me floating in a helpless state...

Let me lose this feeling, never... let me feel like this, rain or sunny weather... let me be here forever...


"Let the wind take me to our special place... let it carry me on its shoulders to the place where eternity will embrace... to the garden of laughter and music where I'll forever see your face..."


Beverly said...

C'mon! Cheer up!
Its not the end. we still will hang out after this isnt it? =)

Caleb said...

Yeah, I know we still hang out after our time in class ends but... you know... my experience tells me that's easier said than done. I'm just hoping for the best... but prepared for the worst.

Steffi said...

Starting and ending a class is like a fleeting moment, except that the starting never ends, and the ending never comes. :)

My experience also tells me meeting up it's easier said that done. Because the only place our previous students would plan to meet us would be in Melbourne or Adelaide, in a few years' time and my list of appointments in Aus is growing day by day. :)