Monday 4 October 2010

If 'Goodbye' Was 'Hello'

Last week, I said 'goodbye' to another group of Form 3 students as we enjoyed our last class together. Of course, there's always a chance of seeing them return for Form 4 next year but I've been in this business long enough to know that nothing lasts forever. I know that not everyone will return to my classes, whether it's because of a clash of schedules, transportation problems, financial problems or just being plain tired from taking too many tuition classes.

So, as I do every year, I try my best to make our last class a little extra special - something to remember from the times we've spent learning and laughing together. This year, we had a good laugh at our creative group writing project and as usual, there'll be a few naughty ones who write about 'ahem ahem'. Well, teens being teens, I allow that bit of freedom to express themselves, as long as they know to keep it under control. On one hand, I want to encourage their creative expression and on the other hand, I want to suppress their 'naughty' side when they express themselves in a not so polite manner. It's a tough balancing act but I guess I've done all right so far. Still, I can always improve and I know I need to cut down on joining in with their jokes though it's hard to resist a good laugh at something 'naughty'. Haha!

Well, before the sun sets on every class, I know that my students can learn to differentiate between being funny in a 'naughty' way and being serious when they need to. Even if they don't, I believe as adults, we need to guide them and give them some space to be independent. They've got to learn to grow up sooner or later. If we keep controlling every aspect of their learning life, how will they have the chance to prove us wrong? That's the challenge I lay down for all my students - that they prove to me they can be mature when they need to. Well, let's hope they prove me wrong and do their best in this year's PMR!

Fight the good fight, my dear friends. This is it - The fight of our lives! Gambateh!


Dhayashini said...
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Dhayashini said...

Hi Sir.. I have been looking for English Tuition for Form 2 and was wondering if you are giving any tuition classes for English.

Caleb said...

Hi Dhayashini,

I'm curious... how did you find my blog? Well, I do teach Form 2 currently at Pusat Tuisyen Alam Gemilang in Kota Kemuning. You can have a look at the center there if you're interested. :)

haqimadibammymilia said...

I won't be able to be in your last class before SPM as I'm not your student anymore :(


Caleb said...

Hey Amalia. Yeah, you're not my student anymore and that's sad but you know, we'll always be friends. =)