Saturday, 7 March 2015

Some Nights

There are nights when I wonder if what I've done has been worth it.

There are nights when I wonder if I had chosen the right path.

Some nights I wonder if I had gone someplace else, if I had done something else, would I be in a better place than where I am now? Would the people I know and love appreciate me more than they do now?

Some nights I wonder if I should just give up and throw it all away.

Some nights are like tonight... when I walk alone on the streets at night, wondering if the loneliness will ever leave me, instead of being my constant companion that clouds my nights when darkness already surrounds me.

Some nights I wish I had never started what I did.

Then maybe my nights would be different now...


Anonymous said...

Why are you doubt about yourself? Trust God had led you to the best of all! So, get up early and leave these lonely night.

Anonymous said...

correction: nights

Sorry, I shouldn't say that cause I don't know what you had gone through.

Anonymous said...

I was very impressed by the drawing.,n

KoKiiZhii said...

Cheer :) night always lonely.