However, the fact is, most guys my age are married with kids and have their career soaring (or just about to). I, on the other hand, am still single with not even a girlfriend in sight while my career isn't exactly rocketing into space.
Not that I care.
The truth is, I'm happy to be who I am and to live the life I'm living now. I don't mind being single despite the loneliness of having dinner alone on most nights. I'm happy to be anything but my age. I may fancy living in my own house and driving a nice car but I don't fancy the lifestyle that will have to come with it; and I certainly don't fancy the stress that's packaged with such a career-driven life.
I want to enjoy my life at my own pace. I want to be surrounded by people who won't give me stress but happiness and laughter; because I like to spread happiness and laughter too. I don't want weekends where I have to clock in at the office to finish off work before my boss strangles me on Monday. I don't want to be disturbed by a baby's cries early on a weekend morning (not for another few years at least). I want my weekends to be just like today... waking up just in time for lunch (Haha!) and then joining my students for a talk on drug abuse at the tuition centre before going off to meet my ex-students for a reunion at Station 1.
Our class reunion today was the highlight of my week (and singing impromptu on stage was probably the highlight of the month!) I treasure these moments above everything else. Especially now that everyone is living their own busy lives. I was surprised that many could turn up today and happier still that we had a fun time together. Being with them, I hardly feel like the 'ah pek' that some would think I am. Being with them, I feel like I'm 17 again... and I want to stay this way for as long as I possibly can. Why wouldn't I?