Friday 1 May 2009

This One Has Claws

It's been nearly 3 months since I last stepped into the cinema. Not that I didn't want to but I just couldn't get friends to go with me due to timing differences and also a lack of movie 'kaki' these days.

So, it was fantastic that 11 of my buddies and I managed to organise a dinner and movie gathering. The movie in question? X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Man, I've been waiting for this ever since the last X-Men installment ended in disappointment. Pleased to say, this is one good movie.

I've always thought the best casting choice among all the X-Men characters was Hugh Jackman for Wolverine. He nailed the character from the start and it's been hugely satisfying to see him grow into the role with each installment of the X-Men series. While he was the standout character among the many other notable ones in the previous 3 movies, this one however, is all about him. And what a feast Hugh has laid out for us. The ladies especially, will absolutely love some of the scenes (and some might probably swoon while at it) Haha!

I'm not going to spoil it for those who haven't seen it but all I can say is, Hugh's portrayal of the animalistic mutant is wildly intense and filled with rage in its purest form. Comic loyalists may feel dissatisfied with some of the alterations to the original plot but from a movie-goer point of view, this movie will only serve to whet your appetite for more.

One thing I totally loved about this movie is that they FINALLY brought Gambit to life on the big screen. He should have been introduced since the first installment but well, it's been worth the wait. Wolverine rocks for sure but for me, Gambit's da bomb!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The ladies especially, will absolutely love some of the scenes (and some might probably swoon while at it) Haha!


you're right =D